JFK Assassination Bibliography
Don Adams, From an Office Building with a High–Powered Rifle, 2012 , Trine Day.
Gary Aguilar, "The Converging Medical Case for Conspiracy in the Death of JFK," in James Fetzer, ed., Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now That We Didn’t Know Then About The Death of JFK, 2000, Catfeet Press.
Gary Aguilar and Josiah Thompson, "The Magic Bullet: Even More Magical Than We Knew" History-Matters.com.
Luis A. Alvarez, A Physicist Examines the Kennedy Assassination Film, American Journal of Physics, vol.44 no.9 (September 1976), pp.813–27; reproduced at HSCA Appendix, vol.1, pp.428–441.
Desmond Ball, Politics and Force Levels: The Strategic Missile Program of the Kennedy Administration, University of California Press, 1980.
Jan Knippers Black, United States Penetration of Brazil, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977.
Russ Baker, Family of Secrets: The Bush Connection to JFK Assassination.
Robert Blakey and Richard Billings, The Plot to Kill the President, 1981, NYT Books.
William Blum, Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, 1995, Common Courage Press.
Steve Bocham, "Understanding Silvia Odio: What the LaFontaines Don’t Tell You" (in image format), Kennedy Assassination Chronicles, vol.2, issue 2 (Summer 1996), pp.28–31.
Bojczuk, Jeremy. 22 November 1963: A Brief Guide to the JFK Assassination, Boxgrove Publishing.
Rex Bradford, The Fourteen Minute Gap
Madeleine Brown, Texas in the Morning, Conservatory Press, 1997.
William A. Buckingham, Operation Ranch Hand: The Air Force and Herbicides in Southeast Asia, 1982, US Government Printing Office.
Michael Calder, JFK vs CIA: The Central Intelligence Agency’s Assassination of the President, 1998 , West LA Publishers.
Darren K. Carlson, Most Americans Believe Oswald Conspired With Others to Kill JFK.
G. Paul Chambers, Head Shot: The Science Behind the JFK Assassination, 2010, Prometheus Books.
Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, ed., The Pentagon Papers, Senator Gravel Edition, Beacon Press, 1972, vol.4.
Noam Chomsky, Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and US Political Culture, 1993, South End Press.
James DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba and the Garrison Case, 2nd edition, 2012, Skyhorse Publishing.
James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, 2008, Orbis Books.
Edward Epstein, Inquest: the Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth, Viking Press, 1966.
Barry Ernest, The Girl on the Stairs: My Search for a Missing Witness to the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, 2011, Createspace.
Roger Feinman, Between the Signal and the Noise, unpublished manuscript.
Harold Feldman, Fifty–One Witnesses, Minority of One, 1965.
James Fetzer, ed., The Great Zapruder Film Hoax: Deceit and Deception in the Death of JFK, 2003, Catfeet Press.
James Fetzer, ed., Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now That We Didn’t Know Then About The Death of JFK, 2000, Catfeet Press.
Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation, 1993, Thunder’s Mouth Press.
Ron Friedrich, Ed Hoffman’s Changing Story, Kennedy Assassination Chronicles, vol.1 issue 2 (June 1995), pp.31–32.
Stewart Galanor, Cover–Up, 1998, Kestrel Books.
James K. Galbraith, Exit Strategy, Boston Review, October–November 2003.
Raymond L. Garthoff, Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1989, Brookings Institution.
Paul C. Giannelli, "Comparative Bullet Lead Analysis: A Retrospective", Criminal Law Bulletin, vol.47 no.2 (September 2011), pp.306–315.
William Conrad Gibbons, ed., The US Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part 2 (1961–64), 1986, Princeton University Press.
Michael D. Glascock, "Overview of Neutron Activation Analysis".
Gordon Goldstein, Lessons In Disaster: the Biography of McGeorge Bundy, Henry Holt and Co.
Earl Golz, SS Imposters Spotted by JFK Witnesses, Dallas Morning News, 27 August 1978, p.1A.
Joel Grant, "Body Snatchers at Love Field?".
Ian Griggs, The Paper Bag that Never Was, part 1, Dealey Plaza Echo, vol.1, no.1, July 1996, pp.30–36.
Ian Griggs, The Paper Bag that Never Was, part 2, Dealey Plaza Echo, vol.1, no.2, November 1996, pp.30–38.
Robert Groden, The Killing of a President, 1993, Viking Studio Press.
Robert Groden, The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald, 1995, Viking Penguin.
David Halberstam, The Best and the Brightest, 1972, Random House.
Warren Hinckle and William Turner, The Fish is Red: The Story of the Secret War Against Castro, 1981, Harper and Row.
Ed Hoffman with Ron Friedrich, Eye Witness, 1997, JFK Lancer.
Douglas P. Horne, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board. 4 Volumes.
Henry Hurt, Reasonable Doubt: An Investigation into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, 1985, Henry Holt.
Michael James, Lawsuit is settled in favor of former Secret Service agent; book claimed man accidentally fired bullet that killed Kennedy, Baltimore Sun, 3 February 1998.
Joachim Joesten, The Dark Side of Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1968, Peter Dawn Ltd.
Stephen Kinzer, The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War, 2013, New York Times Books.
Michael L. Kurtz, "Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans: a Reappraisal" (PDF: 450 KB), Louisiana History, vol.21 no.1 (Winter 1980), pp.7–22.
Jonathan Kwitney, Endless Enemies, 1984, Congdon & Weed
Barb Junkkarinen, First Shot / First Hit Circa Z–190, Kennedy Assassination Chronicles, vol.5 no.2 (Summer 1999), pp–28.
Michael L. Kurtz, Crime of the Century: The Kennedy Assassination from a Historian’s Perspective, 2nd edition, University of Tennessee Press, 1993. M.
Duke Lane, "Freeway Man".
Mark Lane, Rush to Judgement, 1966, The Bodley Head.
A.J. Langguth, Hidden Terrors: The Truth about US Police Operations in Latin America, 1978, Pantheon Books.
Yasha Levine, "A People’s History of Koch Industries: How Stalin Funded the Tea Party Movement",
David Lifton, Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, 1980, Macmillan.
R. Linsker, R.L. Garwin, H. Chernoff, P. Horowitz, and N.F. Ramsey, Synchronization of the Acoustic Evidence in the Assassination of President Kennedy, Science & Justice, vol.45 no.4 (October 2005), pp.207–226.
Nancy Lisagor, Frank Lipsius, A Law Unto Itself: The Untold Story of the Law Firm Sullivan & Cromwell, 1989, Paragon House.
Charles Maechling, Jr., The Murderous Mind of the Latin American Military, Los Angeles Times, 18 March 1982, part 2, p.11.
Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, 1993. Basic Books
Barr McClellan, Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK, 2003, Truman Press, Incorporated.
Steve McGonigle and Jennifer Emily, 18 Dallas County Cases Overturned by DNA Relied Heavily on Eyewitness Testimony, Dallas Morning News, 12 October 2008.
Gerald D. McKnight, Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why, 2005, University Press of Kansas.
Philip Melanson, Hidden Exposure: Cover–Up and Intrigue in the CIA: Secret Possession of the Zapruder Film, The Third Decade, vol.1 no.1 (November 1984), pp.13–21.
Joan Mellen, A Farewell To Justice, Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination and the Case that Should Have Changed History, 2005, Potomac Books
Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact: the Warren Commission, the Authorities, and the Report, Bobbs–Merrill, 1967.
Bonar Menninger, Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK, 1992, St. Martin’s Press.
Clark R. Mollenhoff, Despoilers of Democracy, 1965, Doubleday.
George de Mohrenschildt, "I Am a Patsy!", unpublished but available on line at:
George de Mohrenschildt, ed. Michael Rinella, Lee Harvey Oswald As I Knew Him, 2014, University Press of Kansas.
Jefferson Morley, "What Jane Roman Said, part 3".
Morris H. Morley, Imperial State and Revolution: The United States and Cuba, 1952–1986, 1987, Cambridge University Press.
W.R. Morris, The Men Behind the Guns, 1975, Angel Lea Books.
Martha Moyer, Ordering the Rifle, Kennedy Assassination Chronicles, vol.2 no.1 (March 1996), pp.23–31.
John Newman, JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, and the Struggle for Power, 1992, Warner Books.
Fred T. Newcomb and Perry Adams, Did Someone Alter the Medical Evidence?, Skeptic, Special Issue no.9 (September–October 1975), pp.24–27.
John Newman, Oswald and the CIA, 1995, Carroll and Graf.
Mark North, Act of Treason: The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President Kennedy, 1991, Skyhorse Publishing.
Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr., Man of the House: The Life and Political Memoirs of Speaker Tip O’Neill, 1987, Random House.
Milton E. Osborne, Strategic Hamlets in South Vietnam: A Survey and a Comparison, 1970, Cornell University Southeast Asia Program Publications.
Michael Parenti, The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People’s History of Ancient Rome, 2003, The New Press.
Thomas G. Paterson, ed., Kennedy’s Quest for Victory: American Foreign Policy, 1961–1963, 1989, Oxford University Press.
Greg Poulgrain, The Incubus of Intervention: Conflicting Indonesian Strategies of John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles, 2014 by Strategic Information and Research Development Centre.
Thomas Powers and Alan Rich, Robbing the Grave, New York Magazine, 23 February 1981.
John Prados, JFK and the Diem Coup.
L. Fletcher Prouty, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, 2003, Citadel Press.
Stephen G. Rabe, The Most Dangerous Area in the World: John F. Kennedy Confronts Communist Revolution in Latin America, 1999, University of North Carolina Press.
Dan Robertson, Definitive Proof: The Secret Service Murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 2006, Lulu.com.
Howard Roffman, Presumed Guilty: How and Why the Warren Commission Framed Lee Harvey Oswald, 1975, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Bertrand Russell, 16 Questions on the Assassination, Minority of One, 6 September 1964, pp.6–8.
Gus Russo, Live by the Sword: The Secret War Against Castro and the Death of JFK, 1998, Bancroft Press.
David Scheim, Contract on America: The Mafia Murder of President John F. Kennedy, 1989, Zebra Press.
Daniel Schulman, Sons of Wichita: How the Koch Brothers Became America’s Most Powerful and Private Dynasty, 2014, Grand Central Publishing.
Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, 1993, University of California Press.
Philip Shenon, A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination, 2013, Little, Brown Book Group
Bill Simpich, State Secret: Wiretapping in Mexico City, Double Agents, and the Framing of Lee Oswald.
Cliff Spiegelman, William A. Tobin, William D. James, Simon J. Sheather, Stuart Wexler and D. Max Roundhill, Chemical and Forensic Analysis of JFK Assassination Bullet Lots: Is a Second Shooter Possible?" (PDF: 239 KB), The Annals of Applied Statistics, vol.1 no.2 (2007), pp.287–301.
Roger Stone & Mike Colapietro, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, 2014.
Roger Stone & Saint John Hunt, The Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an American Dynasty, 2017.
Michael A. Stroscio, More Physical Insight into the Assassination of President Kennedy, Physics and Society, vol.25 no.4 (October 1996), pp.7–8.
Thomas P. Sullivan, Police Experiences with Recording Custodial Interrogations, Judicature, vol.88 no.3 (November–December 2004), pp.132–136.
Anthony Summers, Not In Your Lifetime: The Assassination of JFK, 2013, Headline.
David Talbot, Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, 2007 by Free Press/Simon & Schuster
David Talbot, The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, Harper Collins.
Donald Thomas, Echo Correlation Analysis and the Acoustic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination Revisited, Science & Justice, vol.41 no.1 (January 2001), pp.21–32.
Donald Thomas, Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism and the Forensic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination, 2010, Mary Ferrell Foundation Press.
Josiah Thompson, Six Seconds in Dallas: A Micro–Study of the Kennedy Assassination, 1967, Bernard Geis Associates.
Josiah Thompson, "Bedrock Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination".
Richard Trask, Pictures of the Pain: Photography and the Assassination of President Kennedy, 1994, Yeoman Press.
Lamar Waldren, Ultimate Sacrifice: John and Robert Kennedy, the Plan for a Coup in Cuba, and the Murder of JFK
Richard J. Walton, Cold War and Counter–Revolution: The Foreign Policy of John F. Kennedy, 1972, Viking Press.
Cyril H. Wecht, A Critique of President Kennedy’s Autopsy, in Josiah Thompson, Six Seconds in Dallas: A Micro–Study of the Kennedy Assassination, Bernard Geis Associates, 1967, pp.278–284.
Harold Weisberg, Whitewash: the Report on the Warren Report, 1965, Weisberg.
Harold Weisberg, Whitewash II, 1966, Weisberg.
Harold Weisberg, Post Mortem: JFK Assassination Cover–Up Smashed, 1975, Weisberg.
Harold Weisberg, Never Again, 1995, Carroll and Graf.
Harold Weisberg, Autopsy of a JFK Assassination Best Seller: Best Evidence as Bad Evidence, unpublished manuscript.
Charles Wilber, Medicolegal Investigation of the President John F. Kennedy Murder, 1978, Charles C. Thomas.
Mary Woodward, Witness From the News Describes Assassination, Dallas Morning News, 23 November 1963, p.3.
David Wrone, The Zapruder Film: Reframing JFK’s Assassination, 2003, University Press of Kansas.
Roland Zavada, Analysis of Selected Motion Picture Photographic Evidence, 1998, Kodak Technical Report, Eastman Kodak. Howard Zinn, SNCC: The New Abolitionists, 1964, Beacon Press.
JFK Assassination Bibliography - Videos
Former FBI agent, Don Adams' book, From an Office Building with a High Powered Rifle.
Russ Baker's book, Family of Secrets. Bush Connection to JFK Assassination.
Madeline Brown interview. She is charming, and convincing, but there are many who claim that there are factual discrepancies in her narrative.
Eyewitness to JFK Assassination, Mike Bronlow.
Longer Interview with Michael Brownlow, part 1.
Michael Brownlow Interview, part 2.
Dark Legacy, George Bush and the murder of John Kennedy.
Christopher Daly, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Assassination of JFK.
Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories (2008).
Douglas P. Horne - JFK - The Absolute Proof of Inside Job.
The Secret Society speech from JFK.
The Killing of President Kennedy, 1978, BBC (Possibly the Best).
Barr McClellan - "Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K."
Angleton and Oswald a talk by Lisa Pease
Fletcher Prouty's "The Secret Team" part IV.
Peter Dale Scott, JFK & 9/11: Insights Gained from Studying Both.
Peter Dale Scott on his book The Road to 9-11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America
John Stockwell's analysis of the JFK Assassination from 1989
Oliver Stone interview with RT.
Roger Stone speaking at the 2014 JFK Conference in Arlington, TX
Webster Tarpley radio talk on the Wall Street - CIA Establishment and the Plot to Assassinate JFK.
The Men Who Killed Kennedy part 1